Another month down! Time for our update post!
February was quite the busy month here at Broken Hammer. Not only did we have our regular development goals but we also had Yohana visit from Indonesia.
After reviewing our prior internships and the program, we've been making progress for some time in reworking them to handle both internships in Asia and in the west. The continued expansion of the program is important as we look to maintain our momentum. In fact, we're happy to report we'll be interviewing a new character modeler in the start of March. He's actually a friend of Bayu.
Bayu, as you may remember, has been doing background work and has advanced from his internship to a regular role in the project as part of our Asia team. We look forward to speaking with this new potential intern and will report next month on how it goes.
Moving on from that, art development continued well in the month of February with work continuing on the remaining character models. There was also the completion of a major cityscape art asset. This one was a real challenge for Bayu and he did fantastic. He also began, and is well into, development on another background. Here's a small glimpse of it's line art below:

From art we look at music which saw some great strides in February. This month we worked on some tension themes. In the story there are multiple tension moments but one theme could not quite fit all. There not only needed to be tension themes for action sequences but, also themes for more imminent danger and for sad scenes.
During development we also isolated some tracks for scenes that followed the tension moments and will be developing them as we move forward. Sean has really stepped up big time in pursuing the development of the themes and his work is definitely going to turn a few heads when you finally hear it.
That said, lastly, writing has been working on some edits for the final scenes of the neutral arc and implementation of the new themes in the game engine. As we go the story is more and more getting refined and brought out of it's draft shell. We're at the point now where it is getting hard to find original script still being used in the scenario. Which, is a good sign.
Currently work on the final days of the Cathedral story is being handled with day four development taking charge.
We're getting closer to doing a major QA test period where we'll take another long look at the game's current state and see if we want to rework anything before we go into extended testing that leads to final release.
As we go into March we plan to do a major overhaul on character themes and we'll be refining their implementation. Till next month, see you in the skies!