As the baseball season concludes and the Nats take home the title, so we conclude the month of October and it's time for another monthly update.
As we've been progressing over the last few months, there has been some struggles on the art end. Mostly with schedules and talent being freed up to work on it. However, there have been some other real life events that have impacted development. As we mourned the loss of one of our early supporters months ago, there was another for one of our team members who lost someone close to her. She has tried her best to press on but it's never easy. We wish Beckah our condolences and prayers during this time. Which is all we shall say as it is a private matter for her right now and we respect that.
Art team is currently reassessing some of the remaining needs for the project. We'll be shifting some of the work load around a bit more.

That said, October saw a bit of development in our action pop up images. Around half a dozen have made it to a more final color form. There is also some new concepts for Calle's other poses that we are ready to show.
Georgy did the initial model earlier in the year but hadn't had time in his schedule to finish up the remaining two models. We had hoped to have more of this done at the start of summer. Unfortunately Georgy has been swamped more than ever as he's been pursuing a masters on top of working a day to day job.
Due to his work load, we elected to look into options of shifting Calle to another artist for completion. Beckah was being considered and still may get involved with Calle at some point. However, she needs some time to recover right now and we're glad to give it.
Which has in fact opened an opportunity for Calle to return home to the artist she first came to life under, Conn Hughes.Given that the earliest concepts of Calle were done by him, and the fact she has blonde hair is thanks to him, we think she's in good hands.
Moving along, on the music front we're continuing with some revising and extending of past themes. Eric Aven's theme is looking at an extension. We also have a short preview of the new main theme sequence that Sean has been working on. He wasn't able to do a segment due to work but, he did get this done for this blog post:
Revising the main themes of Dust and Air has been something that was placed on the back burner for some time. While we love the themes that Cody did, we needed something a bit more variable for the story arcs. For this theme the music team tossed about ideas over the course of this year before finally settling on this one. Now, granted, this is only a small segment of it, it does show the changes we're making to deliver a better story. A big departure from the more action oriented theme and one which lends to variation. From high points to low points.
As we enter into November, schedules get a bit pressured due to holidays and family events. However, we're expecting to get the first set of action images done and look to have some solid updates on other characters currently in development.
There will be one more blog update before the year end review. So till next month, we wish everyone of our US fans a very wonderful Thanksgiving! Alright, see you in the skies!!