Greetings and Happy New Year! Time for the first report of 2020.
We started off this year a little different but, also a bit familiar. Back in 2013/2014 when the initial story ideas for Dust and Air were outlined, the group back then held meetings to discuss them. It would be another three years till Broken Hammer was born and Dust and Air officially became our first major project.

At the end of 2019 we revealed Project 2, a side project that has been festering in the shadows for almost about as long as Broken Hammer has existed. So in January, we held our first meetings regarding Project 2 and discussed some of the story elements.
We're happy to report that the first concept art for characters is underway, as well as the early foundation of how we're going to handle it while Dust and Air develops.

For that job, Ryan, one of the founders of Broken Hammer is going to be stepping into more of a role of art direction for Project 2. His first role is currently working on concepts. Hence, the concepts we do have right now.
As he fleshes out concepts, he'll be working with Yohana on reviewing artists she finds and making sure their art will be up to the standards he will be developing.
What this means is, for right now, Project 2 will remain in early development. Specifically, the concept stage. Actual working assets will come with time but Ryan is in agreement that the brunt of our focus will remain on Dust and Air. Especially given how close we're getting to finishing the initial story arc.
Moving on, Dust and Air took a little stock in January as we accessed what needed to be done and what we could do to remedy it. This was something discussed in detail with Ryan during the Project 2 meetings.
Currently our biggest hurdles is involving the art side. Rebekah, is currently in the midst of a move so her input will be minimal for awhile. Given it is a big move across many states, she needs time to get that done.
Conn has been active but he's been busy with some decal projects. We were quite surprised when Muse told us we could do color so we jumped on it and Conn churned these out:

They should be going into the next patch for Guns of Icarus. We've provided some ideas for pricing and how we'd like them distributed. Muse will however, have the final say. For the backers from the Indiegogo, don't worry, we'll definitely be getting some codes for you.
Also for those who like the basic white decals better, we've requested both color and white versions be added. Backers will be getting both sets.
Then lastly, Georgy chimed in and we're happy to say that the base version of Grace's character model and expressions is now complete! He's currently looking over some of our character model needs and is going to start on the next one.
As we close this monthly report, we're happy to see some very positive changes coming to Guns of Icarus. Being able to use color in decals has been one of the very first steps but, there is more coming. Some of them you should be seeing in the coming months.
We won't be spoiling them just, keep an eye on those patch notes and updates. It should be an interesting 2020 for the GOIO community depending on the course Muse sets.
So till next time, see you in the skies!