Summer Sale is on and June has completed! Time for another monthly report!
For the VLOG report, click below!

This was one of our busiest Junes we've had in awhile with a lot of asset production moving forward. Dust and Air had some major model work done for the month with three models getting complete animation sets ready to load into engine. Literally hundreds of models so, pretty big. Much thanks to Winks on that.
Georgy also finished up a chapter two supporting cast member. He's not a big enough character to be a spoiler but, he has enough scenes which will warrant him receiving some extra models and expression work later.

Project 2 saw four work orders worth of assets produced. With each order having 3-5 each, it's quite the large amount for the month. We actually started progressing into the branching story routes and got assets on three of them done. There was also another two big character models get done during the month. Progress on this has simply been hot even with some real life emergencies taking place for our team during the month.
Music also saw some development with Gimmen breaking out some ideas he had for Raven's Prayer music. He's getting some solid ideas for where we want the music to go for Raven's Prayer. A true master of his craft!
As we roll into July we celebrate our 7th anniversary. Like to thank all those who have supported us over the years. It's been a long journey and it will keep on going as long as we have stories to tell. We try to keep our development as open as possible and keep people appraised because it's part of our corporate culture. If you have just joined us recently on this journey, we welcome you and hope you stay along for the ride with us.
In closing, we wish everyone in the USA (especially your pets) a happy and safe 4th of July. Keep your pets indoors during the celebration where it's safe!
Don't forget the Steam and itch.io Summer Sale is on! Get Dust and Air 60% off! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1484250/All_is_Fair_in_Dust_and_Air/
Alright, till next time, see you in the skies!