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November 2024 Monthly Studio Report

Writer's picture: SquidslingerSquidslinger

November is in the books! Hope our US readers got a little fatter. For us, it's time for another monthly report!

To start off we're happy to announce that the Father's Story is about to enter into it's first testing phases. Animation work is mostly wrapped up. We identified some key image opportunities on one of the bonus heroine endings that we decided would be good to add. Since there will be some time for Vergara to work on them, we elected to finish up the rest of the scenes around them so they are ready to load in when he's done.

The testing phase will begin with mostly some internal testing on the PC version. This will be a first for us working under a new engine. However, we haven't seen any issues come up within Unity and it actually debugs a little as it goes so, we're looking forward to seeing it come together.

While on testing, we're going to be going back to our UI work and get that more resolved, maybe even hiring someone to help develop it. There is also some routing needs we are aware of that we'll be touching on to make sure we have the attributes all functioning as intended. Thankfully, we can reach out to the Naninovel developer easily enough to resolve any issues.

Really, we're quite grateful for the developer behind Naninovel. Tyrano was at it's peak when it had an active developer engaging with us developers on a daily basis. When Strikeworks obtained the western development side, the hope we had for that to continue was dashed when we saw they only cared about making DLC, not engaging with the community.

On that note, we continue to keep an eye on the Russian led Effector team and their attempt to salvage Tyrano. Progress has been good and they definitely have a love and passion for the VN community.

Build time is attractive with that engine and even Naninovel can't top that. Which, speaking of, our revised KS Converter with Naninovel integration has helped a lot with just some remaining tweaks needed for helping smooth out the process. Right now it handles conversion from txt and ks files and can work between each. The goal is not just to provide a tool to make converting from Tyrano to Naninovel easier, but also to make converting from your document files easier without spending a long time copy/pasting.

Currently we look to make this tool public sometime next year as we need to refine it a little more. Converting Dust and Air over to Nani will be a lot more possible with it. The biggest first hurdle to that is going to be determined when we have the Father's Story closer to release and iron out the last of the final issues.

That said, holidays are here and we wish everyone the best over the coming month. Our year end report will be here before we know it. December we're hoping to get testing running on our initial builds and then leading into next year with music and our final touches towards release.

Thanks for sticking with us on this journey. Till next time, see you in the skies!



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