It's time for another monthly blog post! Lets get started and get to the good stuff!
October was another month of prep work for the Early Access release. Video, art, and writing assets needed to be made ready while still working away on the release candidate and continuing work on the rest of the game. We're happy to say that progress continued and we're prepping for some of the final play tests. Those in the Hammer Breaker ranks will be next up in joining the playtests with one that already took place on the 31st.
November should be quite busy as we get ready for it to go live. December is our target and barring some catastrophic trouble, we are on track.
Beyond that, we're ecstatic to announce that Calle is done!

Georgy kicked major butt this last month and finished not only Calle's model but also is well underway on finishing up the final assets needed for day two, as well as reworking some of the backgrounds that our interns had completed some time back.
Above is from three artists who have been working on Calle's other poses during this year. Their help was invaluable to Georgy and allowed him to finish her quite fast. The far left image was by Conn, the middle by Ingrid, and the final on the right is Georgy's. Conn helped concept the pose itself. Ingrid got the model in line with the art style. Georgy then came in and transitioned it to the final art needed for the engine.
Despite how long it took and all the troubles this year, the team learned a bit and found a way to help streamline the character model process for the future. Unfortunately, Ingrid's health took a down turn over the month. She needs time to deal with medical needs so, we'll be touching base with her again in the future. We wish her the best and pray for her recovery.
In other art news, Project 2 welcomed a new member: Cusco. Our first member from South America. Guatemala to be exact. He just finished some work on a webtoon along with Rebecca. We're glad to be working with them as Project 2 begins production discussions.
With that we wrap up this monthly report and get back to work. Thank you all for staying with us on this journey! See you in the skies!